Friday, August 9, 2019

CorelDRAW 10 Tools Explanation

CorelDRAW is a popular computer software that was develop by Corel Corporation of Ottawa, Canada. This corporation was founded by Michael Cowplana in 1985. CorelDraw is vector software which is used to edit, create and draw vector images/graphics.
In this way, we can make any brochures, visiting cards, logo, ads. banner, magazines etc and later can be converted into images and PDF easily. The latest version now a days are using is Corel graphic suit 2019 (version 21).
To learn CorelDRAW like a pro, you need to attain good understanding on the tools and techniques. To do so, join CorelDRAW course from ADMEC Multimedia Institute and accelerate your design career.

Some of the Corel tools have been explained below: -

Pick Tool – This allow us to select an image or object in CorelDRAW document. It also allows us to resize (increase or decrease the size), rotate and skew any image or object.
Shape tool – This tool allows us to edit the shape of object. In this we can manipulate any object by adding or deleting nodes and changing their shapes. We can change any node in curve or straight line very easily. To use this tool, we can also press F10 from our keyboard.
Crop tool – This tool allows us to resize any object. We can remove unwanted area from this tool that we didn't want. As I have mention in pick tool also that you can resize the image or object. So, difference in both the tools is that pick tool is only for resizing the object or picture from pick tool we cannot remove unwanted area and from this tool we can remove unwanted area.
Eraser tool – This tool allows us to remove or erase unwanted portion of our drawing. When you erase some drawing it automatically make different portions of remaining object and one thing you can also do after erasing you can divide it in different portions. To use this tool, we can also press X key from our keyboard.
Zoom tool – This tool allows us to zoom our CorelDRAW drawing page. This tool can magnify any image number of times and we can small to small thing on that image. To use this tool, we can also press Z key from our keyboard or we can rotate our mouse wheel for zoom in and zoom out in opposite direction.
Pan tool – This tool allows us to drag the hidden areas of a drawing into the view area. This tool is used after you use the zoom tool and your picture size get increases and it goes out from your screen so by using this tool you can see the hidden area without changing the zoom level.
Pen tool – This tool allows us to make straight as well as curve lines. This tool is very important tool in CorelDRAW as most of the cut outs, drawing and objects are made with this tool. This tool is helpful in making logo, vector images etc by drawing and controlling the nodes we had made.
Text tool – This tool allows us to write the text on drawing page or on any object or image. You can write two type of text from this tool i.e., artistic text and paragraph text. From paragraph text we can create a body of text according to our page or object and then text can be typed. Basically, this text is used for long data. Artistic text is basically used for short lines such as titles. We can give graphic effects to this text; we can fit this text in any path and we can also give effects to it. To use this tool, we can also press F8 from our keyboard.
Transparency tool – This tool allows us to add transparency to any object. We can set the level to transparency by clicking on the object this tool gives you the option their than at which level you have to set the transparency.
Colour eyedropper tool – This tool allows us to copy colour properties of any object or image from our drawing page. After copy the properties you can easily fill it in the object you have made. So, this option is also useful as we don't have to match the colour properties manually. You can simply open the image in CorelDRAW and can easily copy the colour properties of that image.

I am Anchit and I am pursuing Graphic Master Plus course from ADMEC Multimedia Institute. I have written this blog as a part of my project which I was assigned as a part of CorelDraw Project i.e. Campaign on Green Tea.
I hope you must have got a good idea of CorelDraw tools after reading this blog.