Thursday, January 30, 2020

How to Create Patterns in Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop comes with various different in-built patterns that one can use to create different kinds of wallpaper and manipulation. Apart from these, you can also create your own patterns. Just follow the given steps.

  • Open new file of 200 x 200 pixels. Short command to do so is Control + N
  • Create a new layer. Short command is Control + Shift + N
  • Select any marquee tool or shape tool to add a shape. Fill color inside your shape.
  • Let’s say that you are going to create a circle and you filled light red color in it.
  • Now, align your circle horizontally centered and vertically centered. To do so, press Control + A and use move tool.
  • Now, create a copy of your shape.
  • After this go to Filter Menu.
  • From Filter Menu go to Other -> Offset.
  • Pick up the right horizontal and vertical pixels and hit ok.
  • Merge both the layers.
  • Now, go in the Edit Menu and select Define Pattern options.
  • Add a name to your pattern.
  • Make sure to check off background layer to create your design transparent.
  • That’s It!!
Don’t you think it’s too much easy? To make it easier, learn Adobe Photoshop from experts.

Here’s the course link – Adobe Photoshop Master course.

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Thursday, January 23, 2020

What are the Different Types of Courses in Graphic Design?

What are the different types of courses in graphic design?

To begin with, we first shall understand what graphic design is all about.

Well, it is the creative process for a particular function which presents a piece of information in a particular form.

Now let, see the inner meaning - Graphic means ‘visual’ which can be linked with art and imagination which involves many mediums such as sketching, drawing or painting giving a clear and explicit detail.

So, as we saw the ‘graphic’ part of the Graphic design is made up of visual elements. Whereas 'Design' in the word means ‘to decide upon the look and function of something before it’s made’. It can be linked with practicality, thinking or problem solving. In this creative field, there are some rules that should be considered, these rules are called ‘Principles of Design’.

All these principles have relationship between each other and we can see them in every well-designed work.

So, these principle in design makes graphic in art. Some key principles of design are: 

  • Contrast
  • Balance
  • Alignment
  • Simplicity
  • Proximity
  • Repetition

So, when visual elements and these principles are being bought together, we get 'Graphic Design' as a whole.

Above we learned thoroughly what graphic design is. Now, let’s see what are the important elements of it:


The basic principle or element in graphic design is ‘Line’. Lines are the most versatile and are the crucial elements. Lines can be straight, curvy, wavy, thick or thin. Lines can be used for any purpose whether it is to highlight anything, underline any word, add structure to a composition or to divide information.


Type is the element which attracts people towards the main concept or idea. Using readable fonts, is the most important point to remember while designing any info graphic, poster, advertisement, brochure, etc.


Shapes are the element which complements the whole work art. Shapes plays a vital role because it helps to improve the message which the whole project is trying to convey.


Colour plays an important role in any design. When working with colour it is good to have some knowledge about colour theory. Jumbling too much bright colour or too light colour in a same work can be unattractive to the viewers. So, while using colours every visualizer should be careful.

To become a professional artist and creative thinker, one must also have knowledge of different computer software which makes representing your ideas easily and professionally. Let’s take a look at some of the advanced diploma courses in graphic designing that are available to help one become a professional graphic designer and some short-term certificate courses.


i. Visualization Master Course: This course is 6months diploma course which will cover the concepts of how to use the essential principles, where to apply the visual elements and understanding essential visual elements. 

The main objective of this course is to develop the visual creativity among students. There are many basic concepts that underlay the field of creative thinking and visualization. This course includes modules like illustration, typography, layout, etc. for any medium including online, broadcast, print, outdoor, etc and various leading applications for implementation of these concepts.

ii. Graphic Design Premium Course: This is a 6 months course in this course the main focus is mainly on multimedia field which includes UI/UX layouts. This course explores the structural foundations of any artwork. 

The course teaches how to unite text, pics, and all visual communication altogether. In this course students will learn computer fundamentals, Rastor and vector visuals, measurement and sizing, etc.

iii. Advertising Design Standard Course: This is again a 12 months course if you want a career in business promotion, communication designing, entertainment, and multimedia industry join the course. 

This course covers graphics as well as web designing, and business promotion skills at an advanced level. In this course you will learn image manipulation, layout techniques, digital illustrations, Prepress and post-press.

iv. Graphic Master Plus Course: Once again it is a 12 months course and the purpose of this master plus diploma course, is to develop essential multimedia skills for all the very common communication mediums and prepare candidates for all the designing aspect with high level innovative and creative approach.


i. Photo Editing Master Course: If you want to understand the fundamental concepts of photo editing join this 3-month master course.

ii. Advanced CorelDraw Training: Corel Draw is a most wanted software for print media. Join this 2-month Corel Draw course and learn how to make books, visiting cards or any other printed advertisements.

iii. Adobe Illustrator Course: In this 2-month course learn how to make graphic illustrations, create eye-catchy logos and many other things.

iv. Adobe Photoshop Course: Photoshop is the most popular graphic software for editing and composting images. Learn the ins and outs of Photoshop in this 2-month course.

v. Adobe InDesign Course: If you are planning to work in an advertising agency, newspaper or publishing house InDesign is the software for you to learn. Join this 2-month course to learn about this desktop publishing application like a pro.

Check More here - Short-term Graphic Designing Courses

So, to encapsulate the article there are many courses offered by Graphic Design Institute that are available for one who wants to become a graphic designer. Whether you want to pursue a diploma course or a short-term certificate course it depends on you and how much time and energy you are ready to give it.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Advantages of Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator, firstly designed in 1986, is a part of graphic design, which is based on vector graphics. This vector graphics software uses algorithms to draw shapes instead of using bitmap images to store data. Hence, this program offers a high quality resolution to the user while using the interface. Illustrator has an advantage of not losing the actual quality of the file due to the vector graphics created within that can scale the resolution to any size.

Adobe Illustrator, which is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud can be used to make business logos, detailed illustrations, animated concepts and can print layouts, create stunning website graphics, and give users complete control over their typography because of its unique design structure. We can also customize the graphics being created through the Adobe Illustrator software through several additional features available.

Here are some of the advantages that are provided by the Adobe Illustrator.

The Advantages of Adobe Illustrator for the User:-

1. A User Interface Software

Adobe Illustrator provides additional flexibility in terms of customizing our overall workspace. It provides helpful user interface for custom viewing, which enables us to save the space too. All these features allow us a comfortable way to work on our project with the help of best available options.

2. In-panel editing benefit

Adobe Illustrator helps us in saving our time with the help of its feature called  In-panel editing. In this software we can also use multiple artboards simultaneously. These artboards allows us to work on multiple images in the same manner at the same time, which makes us efficient and much more productive than the other programs wherein we can only work at a single image at one point of time.

3. A scalable vector graphics

Adobe Illustrator enables us to work with overall high resolution. Herein, we are provided with sharp, crisp lines that are print-ready in any dimension because instead of stored pixels, the graphics are based on mathematical equations. This program provides us with the excellent resolution with graphics, while designing multimedia for various purposes, which means we have much more versatility. 

4. Manageable sizes of files

Adobe Illustrator is a program that provides easy transferring of enormous files without any hindrance, henceforth preventing congestion of files at any moment. This software creates files that are relatively small as compared to similar other platforms. With the help of this vector graphics software, we can quite easily share the files, mail them as an attachment, or use them without occupying a larger amount of space of our system. Hence, in a way, to share our massive files through a service like Dropbox, this program helps us to save our time in syncing our files to the cloud either to share them.

5. Print-ready and web-aided graphics

Adobe Illustrator helps us to create print-ready graphics with ease. Not only print graphics but we are also able to create web graphics with this platform. It offers a tool set that is constantly updated and works in any screen resolution. With the best assistance of this software, we can create high quality of vector graphics that is quite easy to handle and work with.

You can master Adobe Illustrator by joining Adobe Illustrator Course.

If you want to learn Adobe Illustrator from basic to advance then 
There are varieties of career options like Illustrator, graphic designer, concept designer etc if you have knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. You can make your career bright by choosing the best leading Graphic Design institute. We offer many career oriented graphic designing certificate courses

Hope you will choose the right path of your career!!

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Basic Coreldraw Guide for Beginners

Corel Draw is a “Vector Graphic Software”.The Latest Version of the Software is” X8” which came into practise on “15th March,2016” but Origianl Version was released in “January,1989”.This software is used to make design elements like brochers, catalogoues,cards,magazine pages, envelopes and much more.It is Basically used to Create Illustrations using Lines,Curves,Points.

The main basic quality of vector graphic softwares is that even on expanding the object,it will not loose it quality,it will remain enhanced and retain its features as of the original one.



Corel Draw includes many features which are as follows:
It includes the making of a single document,with multiples pages in it.We can make upto “999” pages into a single document.
It includes the splitting of objects,images,vector graphics,to torn them a part according to our needs.
Polygon Tool is used to draw polugon of n number of sides of yours choice.It is used to create shapes of our choice which can be further used to make stickers,tags etc.
Powerclip tool is used to clip the image in the respective shape of the object nd we can also edit the powerclipped image according to our need.
It is a drawing tool,which is used to edit the live sketches,create them and can also set the timer for the curve generation,and can also add existing curves to sketch,we can also mention the distance from the curve,curve smoothing,nd preview mode is also available with this tool.
It includes brushes,calligraphic pen,sprayer,category of media tool,pattern for sprayer etc.
It includes the basic tool contour,blend,distort,envelope,extrude nd block shdow to give a new pitcuresque of the object by playing with these elemets.
Transparency tool includes:

1. No Transparency:removal of transparency.

2. Uniform Transparency:evenly distributed transparency.

3. Fountain Transparency:applying gradient with varying opacity.

4. Vector Pattern Transparency

5. Bitmap Pattern Transparency

6. Two-color Pattern Transparency

Eye dropper tool includes “Color Eyedropper” tool which only picks up the color of an object and “Attribute Eyedropper” tool which picks up the color of an object as well as specifications of its attributes like stroke etc.
It includes:

1. Interactive Fill(G):It includes No Fill,Uniform Fill,Fountain Fill,Vector Pattern Fill,Bitmap Pattern Fill,Two Color Pattern Fill etc.

2. Mesh Fill(M)



File menu includes creation of new document,opening,saving,printing of a document,importing nd exporting of an image or doument into the exiting document.
Edit menu includes undo,redo,paste,duplicate,clone options to manuplate and to modify our designs.
View menu includes the way in which we want to see our document like pixels form,enhanced form,normal form etc. and preview seleted part only and also full screen preview(F9).
Layout menu includes the setting of pages like insertion,renaming,switching of page orientation,duplicate pages etc.
Object menu includes Inserting of Barcode,Validating it,Inserting of QR code,Align and Distribute,Tranform,Lock an object etc.
Effect menu includes the basic tools like Extrude,Envelope,Lens,Bevel,Contour,Blend,artistic media etc.
Bitmap menu includes 3d Effects,Blur,Art Strokes,Custom,Sharpen,Textures and many more to modify the created object.
Text menu includes Tab setting,Columns,Bullets,Drop cap,Writing tools,Change case and much more.
Table menu includes Creation of new Table,Inserting and Deletion of rows or columns in the Existing Table or Distribute the table evenly.
Tools menu includes Macros which is basically used for the predefined text,Color management tools and also Creation of Pattern.
Window menu includes opening of New Window,Tile horizontally,Tile vertically,Dockers(Color Palette Manager,Macro Manager,View Manager)etc.


  • Tabs Setting:

Tabs Setting is an option available in “Text Menu” .It is an option provided by Corel Corporation for formatting the text,paragraph etc.

It includes options such as:

1. Tab location:
This option is used to specify the location of the 1st Tab Indent.

2. Remove:
This option is used to Remove to remove the particular tab from the existing tab or the newly created Tab.

3. Remove all:
This option is used to Remove all the existing or Created tab that is present in the Tab Setting dialog box.

4. Leader options:
This option is used to modify the Leader Settings such as Character specification,Spacing,Preview.

5. Add option:
Add option is used to add the tab location which is being specified in the tab location. 


  1. Click on “Text” menu.
  2. Click on “tabs” option
  3. “Tab Setting” dialog box appears with various options
  4. After specifying the Tab location then click on ”Add” .Through this procedure the number of tabs can be added out with alignment and leader.
  5. Then click on “ok” button.The Tabs will be created.



For calendar formation,first we will have to take the length of text area and divide it with 14 and the resulted one with 2 so that to get the tab location for the 1st tab,and then further on keep adding upto 7 places so that to get the tab for the all 7 days.

Then 10%14=0.714

Throughout the whole concept, one is unable to create graphic solutions that support the design.This program always make it possible to work efficiently to produce high-quality graphics. To learn CorelDraw join the best Coreldraw course in the best Coreldraw training institute in delhi such as Graphic Design Institute in Delhi.

Friday, January 3, 2020

1O Reasons To Do Graphic Design Master Plus

Graphic design is a platform via which you visually communicate through visual presentation of typography, photography and illustration. Common uses of graphic design include logo design, branding, packaging, illustration, animation, advertising, editorial design, web design, signage and communication design.


There are different types of graphic designing you can choose to be:

  • Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design 

In marketing and advertising graphic design companies works with designer who are specialized in the same field and who have extensive knowledge of Infographics, designing posters, banners and billboards.
  • Publication Graphic Design

Designers in this field works with editors and publishers they create specific layouts with selected artwork, typography and illustration. Publication is a print media which includes books, newspaper, magazine and brochure.

  • User Interface Graphic Design

User interface or UI designers specialize in mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps and video games. They work closely with user experience (UX) designers who determines how the app must work and UI developers who writes codes which make the apps work.

  • Motion Graphic Design

Motion graphic designer are people who are reserved for TV and films. Motion graphic simply means graphics that are in motions. This includes 2D or 3D animations, title animation, video editing, animated logos, presentations, trailers, advertisement, websites and apps.

  • Web Design

Web design basically means designing web sites which are displayed on internet. Web designers works on the layout and appearance of the website which includes font, colour and images used.

Above you saw what Graphic design is and what different types of graphic design there are.

Now let’s see what the Graphic Design Master Plus course offers you. First and foremost, in Graphic design master plus course you learn about basic designing. You learn what are the aspects of design, how to implement your design, where to implement your design, how to process your mental thoughts and bring them out on paper and finally how to present them with the help of different software.

In Graphic Design master plus course you learn about visual grammer, Layouting, sketching and drawing. As you know sketching and drawing are the base for any designer. These factors teach you how to create visual composition, edit images and how to create balance in the designs and layouts, also how to browse and organize for projects. Other than sketching and layouting there are module for Design Elements and Principle which is taught in both theoretically and practically.

The process of creating logos, illustration and packaging is taught. After this you move into the advance techniques of image editing and layouting. You use the help of software to bring out our concepts from theory.

After this you learn advance designing and video editing software, pre-press and post press techniques, publishing for print, television and websites. You also learn coding which helps you develop websites. You learn the aspects of Motion design which is mostly used in TV (news channels, sports, etc.) and films. With the help of different motion graphic software, you learn to edit raw videos, animate texts, credits, audio, create animated logos, make presentations and create professional UI for responsive websites and web apps.


Now let's take a look at the software that will help you to become a designer.

  •  Corel DrawCorel Draw is a vector graphic designing software. It is basically print media-based software. Corel Draw is used for creating visiting cards, posters, brochures, logos, letterheads, envelopes, stationary, banners and calendar. Corel Draw is also used publishing books and magazines.
  • Adobe Photoshop: Adobe Photoshop is an image editing design software. Adobe Photoshop is both raster and vector base software. It's used for both print media as well as digital media. Adobe Photoshop has its use in every field in world today whether it is graphic, web or architecture; Photoshop is being used everywhere.
  • Adobe IllustratorIt’s a famous tool being used for designing and illustration by graphic designing. Adobe Illustrator is used in both print media as well as digital media.
  • Adobe InDesign: Adobe InDesign is a software which is basically associated with publishing world whether it be print or digital. Adobe InDesign is used for assorting books, newspaper and magazines. Whether these are read through printed version or digitally Adobe InDesign is where the have been designed.
  • Adobe LightroomAdobe Lightroom is an image editing software. Raw images edited in Lightroom is used in digital platforms such as websites and app.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software. Raw footage is edited in this software to create a final composition. Films are edited in this software. Video as well as audio both can be edited in this software.
  • Adobe After EffectsAdobe After Effects is a motion graphic software. In this software you can design animated logos, make presentation and do much more.
  • Adobe XD: It’s a vector graphics tool that allows its users to work with UI designs. With Adobe XD designers can build web, tablet and mobile applications. Adobe XD supports website wireframing and create interactive click-through prototypes.
  • Adobe Dimension: Adobe Dimension is a 3D composting and rendering software. It is solely for digital media. Adobe dimension has great use for web designers for their web pages.
  • HTML5 & CSS3HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and the latest version is HTML5. Using this language, one can create the foundation of any website. In order to add style into your website CSS can be used which is a styling sheet.

Along with all these software you may also learn photography, Bootstrap for Responsive UI Design, Pre - press and Post - press.

By pursuing Graphic Design Master Plus course, you can develop a great resume and an impressive portfolio.

Finally, after completing the course you will have a Resume and portfolio with which you can land an amazing job in any desirable field whether it be publishing, advertising, web, film or T.V. Or you may even work as a freelancer and create your own path.

Get to know more such career oriented graphic design courses offered by one of the best training institutes in Delhi for graphic designing i.e Graphic Design Institute.