Corel Draw is a “Vector Graphic Software”.The Latest Version of the Software is” X8” which came into practise on “15th March,2016” but Origianl Version was released in “January,1989”.This software is used to make design elements like brochers, catalogoues,cards,magazine pages, envelopes and much more.It is Basically used to Create Illustrations using Lines,Curves,Points.
The main basic quality of vector graphic softwares is that even on expanding the object,it will not loose it quality,it will remain enhanced and retain its features as of the original one.
Corel Draw includes many features which are as follows:
It includes the making of a single document,with multiples pages in it.We can make upto “999” pages into a single document.
It includes the splitting of objects,images,vector graphics,to torn them a part according to our needs.
Polygon Tool is used to draw polugon of n number of sides of yours choice.It is used to create shapes of our choice which can be further used to make stickers,tags etc.
Powerclip tool is used to clip the image in the respective shape of the object nd we can also edit the powerclipped image according to our need.
It is a drawing tool,which is used to edit the live sketches,create them and can also set the timer for the curve generation,and can also add existing curves to sketch,we can also mention the distance from the curve,curve smoothing,nd preview mode is also available with this tool.
It includes brushes,calligraphic pen,sprayer,category of media tool,pattern for sprayer etc.
It includes the basic tool contour,blend,distort,envelope,extrude nd block shdow to give a new pitcuresque of the object by playing with these elemets.
Transparency tool includes:
1. No Transparency:removal of transparency.
2. Uniform Transparency:evenly distributed transparency.
3. Fountain Transparency:applying gradient with varying opacity.
4. Vector Pattern Transparency
5. Bitmap Pattern Transparency
6. Two-color Pattern Transparency
Eye dropper tool includes “Color Eyedropper” tool which only picks up the color of an object and “Attribute Eyedropper” tool which picks up the color of an object as well as specifications of its attributes like stroke etc.
It includes:
1. Interactive Fill(G):It includes No Fill,Uniform Fill,Fountain Fill,Vector Pattern Fill,Bitmap Pattern Fill,Two Color Pattern Fill etc.
2. Mesh Fill(M)
File menu includes creation of new document,opening,saving,printing of a document,importing nd exporting of an image or doument into the exiting document.
Edit menu includes undo,redo,paste,duplicate,clone options to manuplate and to modify our designs.
View menu includes the way in which we want to see our document like pixels form,enhanced form,normal form etc. and preview seleted part only and also full screen preview(F9).
Layout menu includes the setting of pages like insertion,renaming,switching of page orientation,duplicate pages etc.
Object menu includes Inserting of Barcode,Validating it,Inserting of QR code,Align and Distribute,Tranform,Lock an object etc.
Effect menu includes the basic tools like Extrude,Envelope,Lens,Bevel,Contour,Blend,artistic media etc.
Bitmap menu includes 3d Effects,Blur,Art Strokes,Custom,Sharpen,Textures and many more to modify the created object.
Text menu includes Tab setting,Columns,Bullets,Drop cap,Writing tools,Change case and much more.
Table menu includes Creation of new Table,Inserting and Deletion of rows or columns in the Existing Table or Distribute the table evenly.
Tools menu includes Macros which is basically used for the predefined text,Color management tools and also Creation of Pattern.
Window menu includes opening of New Window,Tile horizontally,Tile vertically,Dockers(Color Palette Manager,Macro Manager,View Manager)etc.
Tabs Setting is an option available in “Text Menu” .It is an option provided by Corel Corporation for formatting the text,paragraph etc.
It includes options such as:
1. Tab location:
This option is used to specify the location of the 1st Tab Indent.
2. Remove:
This option is used to Remove to remove the particular tab from the existing tab or the newly created Tab.
3. Remove all:
This option is used to Remove all the existing or Created tab that is present in the Tab Setting dialog box.
4. Leader options:
This option is used to modify the Leader Settings such as Character specification,Spacing,Preview.
5. Add option:
Add option is used to add the tab location which is being specified in the tab location.
- Click on “Text” menu.
- Click on “tabs” option
- “Tab Setting” dialog box appears with various options
- After specifying the Tab location then click on ”Add” .Through this procedure the number of tabs can be added out with alignment and leader.
- Then click on “ok” button.The Tabs will be created.
For calendar formation,first we will have to take
the length of text area and divide it with 14 and the resulted one with 2 so
that to get the tab location for the 1st tab,and then further on
keep adding upto 7 places so that to get the tab for the all 7 days.
Then 10%14=0.714
Throughout the whole concept, one is unable to create graphic solutions
that support the design.This program always make it possible to work
efficiently to produce high-quality graphics. To learn CorelDraw join the best Coreldraw course in the best Coreldraw training institute in delhi such as Graphic Design Institute in Delhi.