Saturday, February 29, 2020

Object Selection Tool - A New Comer in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is gradually increasing it’s features in new versions. As Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 is the latest version of Photoshop. So, there are too many new features added in it. In today’s article we will discuss one of the important features which is actually a new tool i.e object selection tool.

Let’s get started:
What is an object selection tool?
Basically object selection tool is used to select particular objects or people in your images. It is a very quick task in Adobe Photoshop 2020. The purpose of using this tool is that it gives you freedom to draw roughly around the object and it automatically finds the selected part. After making selections, you can add or subtract the area that you want.

Location of object selection tool
Object selection tool is placed in the toolbar. You will find it between the magic wand tool and quick selection tool. It is worthy to use a short command i.e W.

Options in object selection tool
So, now I am giving an overview of options of object selection tools. You will find these options in the option bar. It is really necessary to do all the changes in the options of tool before making a selection. Otherwise you will not be able to change it until you make another selection.

Options are as follows:

  • Mode
Ok! So simply we can say that mode means the shape of your selection. There are two option types in the mode i.e Rectangle and Lasso. If you choose rectangle then your selection will appear in the shape of rectangle like a rectangular marquee tool and on the other side if you choose lasso then it will use like you are making a free hand selection.
  • Sample all layers
It means you can sample the layers. If the sample all the layers is active then it will work as a single active layer. 

  • Auto Enhance
If this option is on then the edges of your selection looks smooth and it’s vice versa.
  • Object subtract
  1. It is used to subtract any pixel from the selection.
  2. Now look at the steps of using object selection tool
  3. First you have to select the object selection tool from the toolbar.
  4. Make a selection of the object or anything else that you want to select. You can make free hand selection or rectangular selection. It depends on your preference.
  5. Subtract or add the selection. To add the selection drag the selection part with shift key. On the other hand to subtract the selection, drag the selection with Alt key.
  6. On auto enhance option if you want.
  7. Now activate the refined edge if you want to make your edges smooth.
  8. After some changes, you have to activate the selected subject. The purpose of using this is that it will automatically choose the best part to select. It identifies objects like people, animals, vehicles etc.
  9. Last step is to actively select and make changes that you want.
Hope you will understand this object selection tool and how it is used. It is a very time saving tool to use. Adobe Photoshop is itself a very good application to use, having a varieties of amazing features. So, if you are interested in learning Adobe Photoshop then Graphic Design Institute would be the best training center for you. Here you can find lots of graphic design courses. For Photoshop training, you can check out our Adobe Photoshop Course.

For more info you can call us on: 9811818122.

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